1. Introduction
F50 League LLC (“we/us”) is a Delaware Company with its registered office at One Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, New York, NY 10006 USA. We operate the Website.

We are an international business committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy policy gives you detailed information on when and why we collect your personal data, how we use it and how we keep it secure. Please read this policy carefully alongside our Cookie Policy and our Data Retention Policy to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

More information can be provided on request. Definitions, and words in bold type, are defined in the Appendix at the end of this privacy policy.

2. Who we are
We operate a sailing league globally via a number of entities. Most of our IT systems are located in the USA and controlled by us or third party organisations who are contracted to deliver these services on our behalf. We are a data controller of the personal information we process and are therefore responsible for ensuring our systems, processes, suppliers, employees and partners comply with data protection laws in relation to the information we handle.

Depending on the location where our services are provided, another entity in the group may be the data controller in relation to your personal data. For example, information may be originally collected by us but they transferred to and processed by other entities within our group to enable us to operate the Website, Events and SailGP series in the manner we determine appropriate.

When we say ‘we’ or ‘us’ in this policy, we’re generally referring to us, our subsidiaries and any affiliates established and operated worldwide. Therefore reference to us, may include; the owners and operator of the global SailGP series, Event operators, Teams and other aspects of the control and operation of the SailGP series. On this basis your personal data will be stored, processed and transferred outside of the EU. We are a global company, and the data we collect from you may be transferred to, accessed or stored in, and subject to requests from law enforcement in, jurisdictions outside of your home jurisdiction, including the United States, Australia, Canada, the European Union, the UAE, Singapore, Bermuda and other jurisdictions in which we or our service providers operate. Some of these jurisdictions, including the United States and Australia, may not provide equivalent levels of data protection as your home jurisdiction. We will take steps to ensure that your personal information receives an adequate level of protection in the jurisdictions in which we process it, including through appropriate written data processing terms and/or data transfer agreements.

If you are in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and we process your personal information in a jurisdiction that the European Commission has deemed to not provide an adequate level of data protection (a “third country”), we will implement measures to adequately protect your personal information, such as putting in place standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or another measure that has been approved by the EU Commission as adducing adequate safeguards for the protection of personal information when transferred to a third country. You have the right to obtain a copy with details of the mechanism under which your personal information is transferred outside of the EEA; you may request such details by contacting us as set forth in the “Contact and complaints” section below.

3. Our responsibilities
For the purpose of the applicable Data Protection Legislation, we are the data controller of any personal data we process. As a data controller, we are responsible for ensuring our systems, processes, suppliers and People comply with Data Protection Legislation in relation to the personal data we handle. We provide our People with training and require our People to comply with this privacy policy, our Cookie Policy and our Data Retention Policy when dealing with personal data.

We take Personal Data Breaches very seriously, and are required to notify the Information Commissioner’s Office in the event of such a breach.

When using, collecting and disclosing personal data, we follow the core data protection Principles underlying the Data Protection Legislation.

We have policies, procedures and records to demonstrate compliance with the Principles. Please contact us for further information on these policies, procedures and records.

4. How we collect, use and disclose your personal data
Generally, we collect your personal data when you interact with us (for example, when entering into a relationship with us as a fan attending one of our events, a customer, a third party service provider or one of our People). However, from time to time we also need to collect personal data from other third parties in connection with our relationship with you. We also look at how our users access and use our Website, so we can offer the best possible experience. Most of the data we collect is stored as part of our databased, which is managed and controlled on our behalf by a third party supplier as a Processor. The following tables, available by clicking the dropdowns, summarise how we collect, use and disclose your personal data:

SailGP Fans

Types of personal data Collection Purpose Disclosure Retention Period
Information such as: your name; your postal and email address; your phone number(s); information on tickets for SailGP events you have purchased; reviews and feedback you may provide to SailGP; financial information (e.g. bank details); photographs and images of you; photographs and images you may supply via social media or otherwise; information regarding your job and business. We may also process sensitive personal data such as age; health details; racial origin; religious beliefs; and gender. Your personal data will be collected from various sources including: when you contact us via email, telephone or in person; provide us with information as part of purchasing tickets and/or attending events; CCTV while on our premises; publicly available sources; and as part of broadcast footage, if you attend events (see below). Your personal data will be used for the following purposes: to form part of the SailGP database; delivering and improving the services we provide to you; internal administration management purposes; fulfilling our contractual obligations (such as relating to SailGP ticket and marketing sales); fulfilling our legal obligations; and where you have given us your clear, unambiguous consent to do so, your __personal data __may be used to contact you about and provide you with: communications and/or marketing material for which you have specifically subscribed; to contact you about, and provide you with, the communications we think are relevant to your interests and business; and to enable you to take part in competitions offered by us. Your personal data and sensitive personal data may be transferred to: • our third party service providers who support the operation of our business; • other parties involved in the delivery of services and/or events, for the purposes of fulfilling our contractual obligations; • other third parties such as our professional advisers, regulatory authorities and government departments; and • where you have given us your clear, unambiguous consent to do so, we may pass your personal data to selected third parties to provide you with information about services we feel may interest you. We shall only transfer personal data to third parties which is limited to the relevant purpose and is adequately protected Please refer to our Retention Policy. We will ensure we keep all personal data up to date and shall archive and then permanently delete any personal data which is not necessary for the purpose.

Service Providers

Types of personal data Collection Purpose Disclosure Retention Period
Information such as: your name and business information; name and email address of your representatives; identification documentation; and payment details Your personal data will be collected from you directly. Further information (e.g. to verify your identity) may be collected from third parties, such as publicly available sources. Your personal data will be used for relationship management, to form part of SailGP’s database, administration, to fulfil our contractual obligations and as required by law. Your personal data may be disclosed to: our Suppliers who assist Sail GP with the operation of its business; and other Service Providers; for the purposes of fulfilling our contractual obligations. We shall only transfer personal data to third parties which is limited to the relevant purpose and is adequately protected. Please refer to our Retention Policy. We will ensure we keep all personal data up to date and shall archive and then permanently delete any personal data which is not necessary for the purpose.

Attendees of SailGP events

Types of personal data Collection Purpose Disclosure Retention Period
Information such as: your name; email address/other contact details; your phone number; photographs and images of you; and financial information (e.g. bank details). Your personal data is collected when you: sign up to attend the event; purchase SailGP tickets; enter promotional activities or other activation events maintained as part of the SailGP event. Your personal information is used to: form part of the SailGP database; contact you about, and provide you with, the communications about the event and any future events; contact you and provide you with information about our services; allow you to purchaser tickets; and allow you to attend a SailGP event. Your personal data may be transferred, as part of an attendee list, to other attendees of the event and trusted professional parties who we operate the events with. This will include: event promoters and operators; commercial partners and sponsors of SailGP events; ticketing suppliers; and accreditation suppliers. Please refer to our Retention Policy. We will ensure we keep all personal data up to date and shall archive and then permanently delete any personal data which is not necessary for the purpose.

Sailors and Athletes

Types of personal data Collection Purpose Disclosure Retention Period
Information such as: your name; email address/other contact details; your phone number; photographs and images of you; and financial information (e.g. bank details); right to work; and right to travel, including travel documentation. We may also process sensitive personal data such as: health details; racial and nationality details; medical details, including anti-doping control; biometric data, including hear rate, VO2 max and other performance related data. Your personal data is collected from various sources including: your contract or services; as part of insurance applications; from agents and/or legal representatives; notes and records kept during the term of your contract; from medical experts and advisors; from technical devices and aids used during SailGP including on board cameras, heart rate monitors and other devices; photographs and mages of you, your name and information about your sailing record and achievements may be used in our marketing and promotional material including our Website and materials we supply to commercial partners, prospects and suppliers; as part of accreditation application. Your personal information is used to: enable you to take part in the SailGP series and any associated training; produce and broadcast the SailGP broadcast footage; for attendance at press conferences and other media events; for the promotion and marketing of the SailGP Series; to assess health and safety requirements and risk; security; insurance; and publishing details of the Website. Your personal data and sensitive personal data may be transferred, as part of an attendee list, to other attendees of the event and trusted professional parties who we operate the events with. This will include: event promoters and operators; commercial partners and sponsors of SailGP events; ticketing suppliers; accreditation suppliers; and broadcasters; media partners and journalists; insurers; travel partners; and regulatory authorities Please refer to our Retention Policy. We will ensure we keep all personal data up to date and shall archive and then permanently delete any personal data and sensitive data which is not necessary for the purpose.

Subscribers to the SailGP Newsletters, updates and other promotional material

Types of personal data Collection Purpose Disclosure Retention Period
Information such as: your name; email address/other contact details; and your phone number. Your personal data is collected when you: correspond with us by phone, e-mail our otherwise; subscribe to our newsletter; register via website; when you register and ‘opt in’ to receive: marketing/promotional material and details of events; provide us with personal information to enable us to contact you and let us know of your marketing preferences; and contact us via text message or similar messaging services; and contact us using our online forms. Your personal information is used to: form part of the SailGP database; contact you about, and provide you with, the communications we believe are relevant to your interests and preference; provide you with our newsletter; provide you with information about our commercial partners and third party sponsors; provide you with information about any events; and contact you and provide you with information about our services. Your personal data may be transferred to our third party service providers who support the operation of our business. Where you have given us your clear, unambiguous consent to do so, we may pass your personal data to selected third parties to provide you with information about services we feel may interest you. We shall only transfer personal data to third parties which is limited to the relevant purpose and is adequately protected. Please refer to our Retention Policy. We will ensure we keep all personal data up to date and shall archive and then permanently delete any personal data which is not necessary for the purpose

Anyone who makes and enquiry or provides us with feedback via any media

Types of personal data Collection Purpose Disclosure Retention Period
Information such as: your name; email address/other contact details; your phone number; Media Representatives and Journalists; Photographs and images of you. Your personal data is collected when you: correspond with us by phone, e-mail our otherwise; subscribe to our newsletter; register via website; when you register and ‘opt in’ to receive: marketing/promotional material and details of events; provide us with personal information to enable us to contact you and let us know of your marketing preferences; and contact us via text message or similar messaging services; contact us using our online forms; attend one of our SailGP events; and apply for and/or use accreditation offered by SailGP. Your personal information is used to: form part of the SailGP database; contact you about, and provide you with, the communications we believe are relevant to your interests and preference; provide you with our newsletter; provide you with information about our commercial partners and third party sponsors; provide you with information about any events; contact you and provide you with information about our services; send you press releases and/or updates; enable you to attend SailGP events; provide you with access to employees and/or athletes of the SailGP series; and invite you to attend press conferences and other marketing and promotional events. Your personal data may be transferred to our third party service providers who support the operation of our business. Where you have given us your clear, unambiguous consent to do so, we may pass your personal data to selected third parties to provide you with information about services we feel may interest you. We shall only transfer personal data to third parties which is limited to the relevant purpose and is adequately protected. Please refer to our Retention Policy. We will ensure we keep all personal data up to date and shall archive and then permanently delete any personal data which is not necessary for the purpose.

Users of our Website (including The Dock) and/or App

Types of personal data Collection Purpose Disclosure Retention Period
Information such as: technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, type of device used to access our Website and the location of where you access our Website via a mobile device; information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our Website (including date and time), products you viewed or searched for, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page and any phone number used to call our customer service number; and your name and email address/other contact details including those you provided during The Dock registration, onboarding and account setting preferences. Your personal data is collected when you: use our Website (e.g. browsing, searching); provide us with personal information to enable us to contact you and let us know of your marketing preferences; and contact us via email; contact us using our online forms; and liaise with any SailGP social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Your personal information is used to: form part of the SailGP database; tailor and enhance your user experience; improve the functionality of our Website; carry out consumer profiling and market research; ensure our Website caters to our users’ preferences; and where you have given us your clear, unambiguous consent to do so, your personal data may be used to contact you about and provide you with: communications and/or marketing material for which you have specifically subscribed; and to contact you about, and provide you with, the communications we think are relevant to you. To contact you about, and provide you with, the communications from our commercial partners and sponsors we believe will be relevant to you. Your personal data may be transferred to our third party service providers who support the operation of our business and our commercial partners, including those who support the rewards offered on The Dock. Where you have given us your clear, unambiguous consent to do so, we may pass your personal data to selected third parties to provide you with information about services we feel may interest you. We shall only transfer personal data to third parties which is limited to the relevant purpose and is adequately protected. Please refer to our Retention Policy. We will ensure we keep all personal data up to date and shall archive and then permanently delete any personal data which is not necessary for the purpose.

Our People and People making applications to become our People

Types of personal data Collection Purpose Disclosure Retention Period
Personal data such as your name, address, contact details, education and employment history; background checks (financial and criminal); identification documentation; right to work status; information relating to next of kin/ dependants; and financial information including bank details and identifiers (e.g. National Insurance numbers). We may also process sensitive personal data such as health details; racial origin; religious beliefs; and information about offences/ alleged offences. Your personal data and sensitive personal data will be collected from various sources including: your application form/CV; recruitment agencies and websites; providers of background checks; notes and records kept for the duration of your employment (including absences, appraisals, disciplinary action); providers of occupation health services; and CCTV and security access devices. Your personal data will be used for the following purposes: human resources administration; assessing suitability/eligibility and/or fitness to work; security; and training. Photographs and images of you, your name, and information about your education and employment may be used in our marketing and promotional material including our Website and materials we supply to commercial partners and prospects. Your personal data may be transferred to our third party service providers who support the operation of our business; our group companies for the purposes of fulfilling our contractual obligations. We shall only transfer personal data to a third party which has been limited to the relevant purpose. Please refer to our Retention Policy. We will ensure we keep all personal data up to date and shall archive and then permanently delete any personal data which is not necessary for the purpose.

5. Transfer of Data between Jurisdictions and use of suppliers
As an international business and global racing league, personal information may be transferred between our various offices worldwide due to, for example, our shared IT systems and/or cross border working. We also use a number of suppliers in connection with the operation of our business and they may have access to the personal information we process for the purposes of supporting our business processes. For example, an IT supplier may see your personal information when providing software support or a company which we use for a marketing campaign may process contacts' personal information for us. In addition, we employee an external agent to manage our database on our behalf who will therefore have access to all of the personal data available to us.
When contracting with suppliers and/or transferring personal information to a different jurisdiction, we takes appropriate steps to ensure your information is treated securely and the means of transfer provide adequate safeguards in accordance with applicable law.

6. Updating and correcting information
You may update or correct your personal information online in relevant membership areas or by contacting us in writing or by email (see the section ‘Contacts and complaints’ below). Please include your name, address and/or email address when you contact us as this helps us to ensure that we accept amendments only from the correct person. We encourage you to promptly update your personal information if it changes. If you are providing updates or corrections about another person, we may require you to provide us with proof that you are authorised to provide that information to us.

7. Your rights
You have a number of legal rights in respect of your personal data. These include:

  • The right to receive a copy of the personal data that we hold about you. The same right applies to any other person whose personal data you provide to us. We will require proof of identity and proof of authority if the request comes from someone other than the person whose data we are asked to provide. This will ensure we only provide information to the correct person. We normally expect to respond to requests within 30 days of receiving them.
  • Withdraw consent to direct marketing. You can exercise this right at any time and can update your preferences by ask us to do it for you.
  • Withdraw consent to other processing. Where the only legal basis for our processing your personal data is that we have your consent to do so, you may withdraw your consent to that processing at any time and we will have to stop processing your personal data. Please note, this will only affect a new activity and does not mean that processing carried out before you withdrew your consent is unlawful.
  • If you consider any of your personal data is inaccurate, you can correct it yourself or ask us to do it for you.
  • In limited circumstances you may be able to require us to restrict our processing of your personal data. For example, if you consider what we hold is inaccurate and we disagree, the processing may be restricted until the accuracy has been verified.
  • In some circumstances, for example, where we have no legal basis for retaining your personal data, you may be entitled to require us to delete your personal data
  • Where our processing is based on it being in our legitimate interests, your rights and freedoms, based on your particular situation, may enable you to object to our processing
  • Where you have provided personal data to us electronically, you may be entitled to require us to provide that data to you electronically or to transmit it to another organisation.

8. Your rights
Personal data must be processed in line with an individual’s rights, including the right to:

  • request a copy of their personal data;
  • request that their inaccurate personal data is corrected;
  • request that we stop processing your personal data;
  • request that their personal data is deleted and destroyed when causing damage or distress;
  • to object to the processing to of your personal data and;
  • opt out of receiving electronic communications from us.

Should you wish to make a request in line with your rights as an individual, please forward it to us using details provided in the contacts section at the end of this privacy policy. Our People must notify or inform our Data Protection Officer immediately if they receive such a request.

The Data Protection Legislation gives you the right to access information held about you. Your right of access can be exercised in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation (as applicable).

9. Children
If you are a child who is using our Digital Products or a parent of a child using our Digital Products, there are additional rules

Learn more:
It is important to us for children to be able to enjoy the Website and our Digital Products in a responsible and appropriate fashion. We encourage parents and guardians to supervise their children's online activities by, for example, adopting parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers that help provide a child-friendly online environment. These tools can also prevent children from disclosing online their name, address, and other personal information without parental permission. For further information please review our Privacy Policy

Your child's privacy is important to us. We are committed to safeguarding children's personal information collected online, and to helping parents and guardians and their children learn how to exercise control over personal information while exploring the Internet.

If you are aged 15 or under, we will require permission from your parent or guardian in order for you to register on our Website, unless otherwise stated at the point of registration. If you are required to provide permission from your parent or guardian, you will be asked to supply the name and email address of a parent or guardian to whom a confirmation email will be sent. Your account will only become active once your parent or guardian has clicked on the link within the confirmation email to provide their consent.

If you are a parent or guardian and would like to review any personal information that we have collected online from your child, have this information deleted, and/or request that there be no further collection or use of your child’s personal information or if you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or practices, you may contact us at

10. Security
Information security is a key element of data protection. We take appropriate measures to ensure our systems, processes, suppliers and People secure personal data and protect it from loss or unauthorised disclosure or damage. Please contact us if you require further information regarding our policy and approach to information security.

11. Computer Security
Keep yourself safe from malware and viruses with adequate, up to date security on your computer. You can usually download free basic protection from providers such as AVG and McAfee, but for more comprehensive cover, it's best to choose security software. Keep your software switched on and up to date, and make sure that your operating system has the latest updates. It's a good idea to run regular scans on your computer.
When you're opening emails, be careful. Don't click on links to download files or open attachments you haven't asked for, or aren't expecting, as they may contain viruses. Back up all your files so they're available if the worst happens and your computer is infected by a virus.

12. Cookies
Our Website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our Website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our Website and also allows us to improve our Website. For detailed information on the cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them see our Cookie Policy.

13. Why do we process your personal data?
We process your personal data where:

  • it is necessary for the performance of a contract with you (e.g. to attend a SailGP event or purchase SailGP merchandise);
  • you have provided us with your consent to use your personal information (e.g. in the course of subscribing via the Website or App);
  • we are required or authorised by law to do so; or
  • it is necessary to pursue our legitimate interests in a way which is reasonably expected as part of the operation of our business, which is not detrimental to you and would have minimal impact on your privacy.

Examples of where our use of personal information is necessary to pursue our legitimate interests include:

  • monitoring and recording information relating to your browsing behaviour on our Website to make personalised content available to you;
  • monitoring and recording information relating to web based services including Digital Products, to determine how and when the system is accessed and how data is uploaded for the purposes of analysing the performance of and improving the quality of the products, offers and services we provide to you;
  • processing information relating to our database to send them information about our products and services. This helps to facilitate our business development activities including building relationships with our fans; and
  • using our database, with the assistance of our third party suppliers, to analyse how our fans interact with SailGP which helps to inform our news items, marketing and promotional activities and determine how we increase the fan base and appeal of SailGP.

14. Links to other websites
We sometimes provide you with links to other websites, but these websites are not under our control. We will not be liable to you for any issues arising in connection with their use of your information, the Website content or the services offered to you by these websites. We recommend you check the privacy policy and terms and conditions on each Website to see how each third party will process your information.

15. Changes to our privacy policy
We keep our privacy notice under regular review. If we make changes to our Privacy Policy that affect how we handle your data, we will let you know by email. Minor changes will not be notified. You can check our Privacy Policy at this page at any time. This privacy notice was last updated on 9 June 2023.

16. Contacts and complaints
Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be made to

You should direct all complaints relating to how the firm has processed your personal data to our Data Protection Officer.

Our People must inform our Data Protection Officer immediately if they receive a complaint relating to how we have processed personal data so our complaints procedure can be followed.

If you are not entirely satisfied with how we handle any complaint referred to us, you may wish to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK’s independent body set up to uphold information rights. You can find further details as to how to do this at


  • App: any and all SailGP applications and digital products relating to the SailGP Series and SailGP events whether offered via the Website or otherwise.
  • Controller: a personal/organisation who determines the purpose for which, and the manner in which, any personal data is processed.
  • Data Protection Legislation: the Data Protection Act 1998 and any other applicable laws relating to the processing of personal data including the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and all related regulations, regulatory codes of practice, opinions and guidance issued from time to time, including by the Information Commissioner, and in each case any amending, superseding or replacement applicable law including (from and including 25 May 2018, where applicable) the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU.
  • Digital Products: the Website, the App and any digital products or services offered via the Website and/or the App.
  • Fan: a current or prospective SailGP client being someone who engages with us via the Website, social media channels, the App, at SailGP Events or otherwise.
  • People: all people providing services to or working for us, including but not limited to our employees, directors, members, and contractors.
  • Personal data: information (including opinions) which relates to an individual and from which he or she can be identified either directly or indirectly through other data which we have or are likely to have in our possession. These individuals are sometimes referred to as data subjects.
  • Personal Data Breach: a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed by an organisation electronically. A personal data breach may mean someone outside the organisation gets unauthorised access to personal data, but a breach can occur if there is unauthorised access within the organisation or if an employee accidentally alters or deletes personal data.
  • Principles: these core principles specify personal data should be: processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner; collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary; accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; kept for no longer than is necessary; processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. Additionally, organisations must adhere to the principle of accountability.
  • Process: the ‘processing’ of personal data captures a wide range of activities, and includes obtaining, recording and holding personal data and performing any operation of the personal data (including erasure/destruction).
  • Processor: any person (other than an employee of the data controller) who processes the data on behalf of the data controller.
  • Purpose: the purposes identified in the “Purpose” column of the tables in section 4 of this privacy policy (How we collect, use and disclose your personal data), as applicable.
  • Third party: a person, organisation or other body other than the data subject, controller or processor.
  • Website: (including all pages linked within the site map).

Date updated: 29 August 2024