This weekend marks one year in since I joined the Switzerland SailGP team. I first joined as a coach here in Sydney, so it was a different experience going into that event compared to going into this one.

Season 4 // Will Ryan and Sebastien Schneiter inside Switzerland team base

Since joining last year it's been quite a transitional period and I’ve really enjoyed becoming fully integrated in the team, the culture and learning the role of wing trimmer. Of course, there's still a lot to learn! I remember the Sydney event last year was one of the windiest events we’ve had in SailGP, so it’s going to be a big one for me for sure.

Season 3 // SailGP Fleet against stormy background of Sydney

I live in Switzerland now but I'm originally from Lake Macquarie, which is about two hours north of Sydney. I did a lot of sailing in Sydney when I was growing up and was part of the Youth Match Racing program through the CYCA, I did the 18-foot skiff circuit on Sydney Harbor, as well as a lot of one design, sailing in 540s, etc. It’s great to come back to what I still consider my home port! I did a lot of my Olympic training out of Sydney as well [in the 470 class], although most of it was a little bit further offshore.

Season 4 // Close up of Switzerland crew

Our last event was in Abu Dhabi last month and it was a pretty difficult one. I don’t think we quite manage to capitalize on some situations in the light conditions, but I do think that Sydney is going to be a very different experience. We'll hopefully have the grinders back on
board [ in Abu Dhabi the teams were racing with four crew instead of the normal six ] and I’m really looking forward to it because I think it's going to be the more traditional F50 racing that we're used to. Obviously, I'm motivated as ever and really looking forward to being back on the Sydney waters and for some good sea breeze again!

Season 4 // Switzerland F50 foiling in Sydney

Sydney is just a magical Harbor to be sailing on. I think my favorite thing about the city is the coffee, the beaches and usually there’s some pretty nice warm weather! If I only had 24 hours in Sydney, first off when I got off the plane, I would go straight to a good coffee shop… then straight to the beach. Then I would probably repeat those two things again and again throughout the day!