Fans have overwhelmingly backed Peter Burling’s New Zealand to deliver a Season 4 victory at this weekend’s Championship-deciding Grand Final in San Francisco.

The Kiwis - the strongest team this season with five event wins - picked up 53% of the fan vote, while triple champions Australia had the support of just 22%.

Season 4 // Australia and New Zealand close call in New York

Despite winning three back-to-back Championships, the Aussies have had an uncharacteristically shaky season - winning just one event out of eight Finals.

New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Christchurch | Season 4 | Fleet | Racing

Meanwhile in third is Diego Botin’s Spain, with 14% of the vote, while Quentin Delapierre’s France received 6%. Botin’s team currently has a five point lead on France, but will need to deliver a stellar fleet racing performance to ensure a place in the Grand Final.

Season 4 // France and Spain head to head

The F50 fleet will go head to head across five fleet races before the top three teams on points proceed into the winner-takes-all, $2 million Grand Final. Racing takes place from 2.30pm PDT on July 13/14.